1.3M Indians choose to study abroad; US, Canada top destinations

1.3M Indians choose to study abroad; US, Canada top destinations

In 2022, an impressive number of Indian students, approximately 1.3 million, took the leap to pursue higher education in foreign institutions, marking a significant rise in the pursuit of global learning opportunities. The Ministry of Education disclosed this data in response to a query in the Rajya Sabha, shedding light on the growing trend of Indian students seeking educational experiences beyond their homeland.

Among the popular study destinations, the United States emerged as the top choice for Indian students, attracting a staggering 4,65,791 individuals. Canada followed with 1,83,310 students, while UAE, Australia, and the UK secured places in the top five destinations. Other countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Germany, and France also drew a considerable number of Indian students, showcasing the diverse array of study options available abroad.

Regarding the expenditure incurred by these students during their overseas educational journey, Minister of State for Education Subhas Sarkar clarified that the Ministry of Education does not maintain specific data on this matter.

Responding to queries about the government’s plan to cater to students’ educational needs within the country, Sarkar outlined initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of education and research facilities. One such step is the permission granted to world-class foreign universities and institutions to operate in the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City).

These institutions offer courses in financial management, fintech, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, free from domestic regulations except those by the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA). This move aims to make high-end human resources more readily available for financial services and technology.

Additionally, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has introduced the UGC (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions to offer twinning, joint degree, and dual degree programmes) Regulations, 2022. This facilitates international collaboration with foreign higher educational institutions (FHEIs), further enriching educational opportunities for Indian students.

Moreover, the World Class Institutions Scheme, launched in 2017, seeks to empower higher education institutions in India with affordable world-class academic and research facilities. The scheme designates selected institutions as ‘Institution of Eminence’ (IoE); currently, 12 institutions have received this prestigious status.

The government is committed not only to retaining students who graduate from premier Indian educational institutions but also to providing attractive educational and research prospects to non-resident Indians within the country. In this regard, research parks have been sanctioned for several IITs and IISc to bolster the research ecosystem.

As Indian students continue to explore and embrace global educational opportunities, the efforts by the Indian government and educational institutions aim to ensure that these students receive a world-class education and research experiences, both at home and abroad.

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