Better career options main reason behind studying abroad: Oxford International

Study ABroad: About 38 per cent of the students from India and Pakistan would like to pursue higher education abroad to obtain a global perspective.

Almost 50 per cent of Indian students cited reason behind pursuing a higher degree abroad is better career opportunities. The data was released in the Oxford International’s inaugural edition of the Oxford International’s Student Global Mobility Index (SGMI).

Moreover, 42 per cent of Indian students cited cultural experience and 41 per cent said development of language skills as the top motivational factors to study abroad. About 35 per cent of the Indian students feel they will have the opportunity for a better paid career as a result of studying abroad.

About 38 per cent of the students from India and Pakistan would like to pursue higher education abroad to obtain a global perspective. In addition to this, the report observed that 42 per cent of Indian students believe that studying a specific subject would enhance their job prospects upon graduation.

While these are the reasons Indian students wish to study abroad, the report also revealed why Indian students sometimes skip heading abroad for higher studies. As per the report, 50 per cent of Indian students stated ‘Cost of Living’ and 35 per cent of Indian students stated ‘High tuition fees’ as the biggest barriers for pursuing higher education overseas.

Also, among Indian students, 14 per cent perceive it as more challenging to enrol in a foreign programme than in their home country. The report also pointed out that only 30 per cent of Indian students consider Immigration and visa process a concern for pursuing higher education abroad.

Interestingly, 16 per cent of students from India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Vietnam share the concern that their academic qualifications may not be acknowledged by foreign universities.

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