Dual citizenship: Countries where you can get ancestry passport

You all are mostly familiar with blue, white, and red passports, which are tied to our countries of birth. However, did you know that there exists an intriguing alternative known as the Ancestry Passport, that offers citizenship based on one’s lineage? In short, it’s essentially a golden ticket to dual citizenship.

Whether you’re seeking to reconnect with your family heritage, simply desiring the convenience of a second passport, or exploring new work opportunities, there can be endless reasons to delve into the possibilities offered by an Ancestry Passport. The good news is that at least 50 countries worldwide grant citizenship by descent. Yet, navigating this process can range from straightforward in some nations to complex and bureaucratic in others.

Understanding the Ancestry Passport

Countries following the principle of jus sanguinis, or ‘right of blood,’ can confer citizenship to individuals who are able to provide with verifiable familial connections to that country. This typically requires presenting relevant birth certificates and documents establishing the familial link to the country through ancestry.

Obtaining an Ancestry Passport not only provides access to multiple countries, but also brings with it social, financial, and cultural benefits. It opens doors to political participation in both countries and serves as an enhanced safety cushion.

So, here are some countries that offer passports through ancestry.


Dreaming of weekends exploring the Brandenburg Gate and heading to Bavarian road trips? A German passport could be within reach through ancestry. Conditions vary based on factors, such as birth date and parental citizenship. German citizenship can be claimed if born before 1975 with a father holding legal German citizenship or born after 1975 with either parent being a legal German citizen. Furthermore, a connection through grandparents or great-grandparents, even those affected by Nazi rule, can make you eligible.


Picture yourself savouring unlimited pierogi and red borscht while embracing your Polish roots. Polish dual citizenship becomes possible by establishing a direct lineage to a Polish citizen, with consistency in citizenship through the lineage being a crucial factor.


Latvia allows tracing ancestry back to great-grandparents. Citizenship can be acquired if a parent possesses Latvian citizenship or if grandparents or great-grandparents were citizens of Latvia under specific conditions, including proving departure due to occupation.


Serbian ancestry could unlock eligibility for citizenship and a solid B+ Grade passport, offering a strategic Plan B destination with a low cost of living and a dynamic economy. Along with that, you also get access to an affordable lifestyle, a thriving economy, and a plethora of amenities at your disposal.


Known for its Golden Visa and D7 Visa residency programs, Portugal provides a shortcut to citizenship through its Citizenship by Ancestry program. This offers an attractive option for those with the right bloodline.


Ireland stands out for its straightforward process, allowing tracing ancestry back to grandparents and, in certain cases, great-grandparents. Irish citizenship becomes possible if either parent was an Irish citizen at the time of birth.


Gaining Italian citizenship through descent is straightforward, allowing tracing ancestry back to grandparents or even great-grandparents. ‘Uninterrupted lineage’ is crucial, and challenges such as ‘The Rule of 1948’ exist but can be navigated through legal avenues.


Lithuanian law permits tracing ancestry back three generations. Eligibility for dual citizenship hinges on factors like the timing of departure from Lithuania and proof of lineage. Specialised legal and genealogical services are recommended due to the complexities involved.


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