New Zealand Jobs: What is changing for new applicants of Accredited Employer Work Visa

Work in New Zealand, jobs, Latest rules, new applicants, Accredited Employer Work Visa

The New Zealand government has made significant changes to the requirements for Accredited Employer Work Visas. These modifications will affect both existing and new holders of AEWV. The Accredited Employer employment Visa (AEWV) is the primary temporary employment visa in New Zealand.

Accredited Employer Work Visa allows you to work in New Zealand for an accredited employer who has offered you at least 30 hours work a week or study for up to 3 months in any 12-month period, or do any study required as part of your employment.

Now, there are new rules for the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).

There are now higher work experience and qualification requirements, a standard of English for people applying to work in roles assessed as ANZSCO skill level 4 and 5, and a shorter stay in New Zealand if you are working in specific roles.

New minimum skill requirement

If you are applying for an AEWV you will need to show evidence of your work experience or qualifications. This is in addition to the skills and qualifications that your employer has identified as necessary for the job and your employer will need to check you meet the skill requirements before they offer you the job.

Unless your role is on the Green List and meets the Green List role requirements, or is paid at least twice the median wage, you must now have:

  • At least 3 years’ relevant work experience, or
  • A relevant qualification at level 4 or above of the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).
  • Evidence of your qualification must be accompanied by an International Qualification Assessment (IQA) if it is below Bachelor’s degree level.

To meet the work experience requirement, you must provide evidence proving you did the work — you cannot include documents that you wrote.

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