US Visa for Indian Students: US Embassy expects to receive record number of visa applications, fast-tracks interview process

Forecasting a record rise in student visa applications from Indian students in 2024, the US embassy in India has commenced early interviews to cater to the influx following a record-setting issuing of 140,000 visas last year.

To streamline the visa process, waiting times have been significantly reduced across various categories, except for B1/B2 tourist visitor visas for first-time applicants, which have also substantially decreased.

Typically, the embassy’s student interviews run from June to August, but they began a month earlier in May this year to accommodate more students. The embassy recently hosted its eighth annual Student Visa Day, where consular officers conducted interviews with applicants.

Syed Mujtaba Andrabi, Acting Consul General at the US Embassy in New Delhi, affirmed the embassy’s commitment to facilitating academic exchanges between the two nations, emphasising that student visas are a top priority. He disclosed that the embassy aims to conduct around 4,000 student interviews throughout the day.

Looking ahead to 2024, Andrabi expects a student visa to rise on par with or exceed the previous year. The US government places significant emphasis on student visas, recognizing the enduring value of fostering people-to-people connections.

US envoy Eric Garcetti underscored the enduring impact of such ties, stating, “People-to-people ties last a lifetime.” The embassy highlighted the remarkable growth in Indian student enrollments in US institutions over the past few years, surpassing the total from 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the embassy remains dedicated to supporting students in pursuing academic opportunities in the US. By initiating interviews earlier and expediting visa processing, the embassy aims to maximise opportunities for qualified applicants, recognising the transformative potential of international education and its positive impact on US-India relations.


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